How Childhood Neglect Harms The Brain

Traumatic experiences can cause major damage to a developing brain.
Traumatic experiences can cause major damage to a developing brain.
Matching Families software matches a child’s specific needs with a foster or adoptive family.
When temperatures soar into the 80s, 90s and beyond, parents and caregivers should be mindful about the serious danger of heat stroke – particularly for children.
The healing journey requires endurance and strength to make it to the finish line.
Anxiety can be inherited like other mental and physical health problems.
Charitable partnership includes complimentary production and airing of public service announcements (PSAs).
Social workers, health professionals and nonprofit organizations gathered to learn about childhood traumatic stress.
Award-winning journalist Lisa Ling interviewed case workers, a judge, foster parents and families involved in the Los Angeles County child welfare system.
Everyone needs and deserves the safety and stability that a family can provide. Consider the benefits of adopting an older child from foster care.
Children are meant to stick to one place, or with their caregiver, for their entire childhood. But what happens when that attachment is broken?