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KVC Health Systems

KVC Celebrates Accomplishments with Annual Meeting

KVC Health Systems, Inc. will hold their annual meeting on Oct. 15, 2013 to celebrate the work they’ve achieved in child welfare. The main speaker will be Patrick McCarthy, President and CEO of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. McCarthy was also the 2013 KVC Everyday Hero award recipient.

“It is a privilege for The Annie E. Casey Foundation to partner with KVC . . . KVC is one of the best child welfare agencies in the country and the field will continue to benefit from their cutting edge practices to improve outcomes for children and families,” said McCarthy.

KVC has a child welfare contract with the state of Kansas and has helped Kansas become top in the nation in child welfare outcomes. They’ve been able to do this through their partnerships with the Kansas City Royals, the University of Kansas head basketball coach, Bill Self, Garmin, Tyson, the Kelly Family Foundation, the Dunn Family and the Ball Family.


For more information, contact Jenny Kutz at 913-322-4994.