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KVC Health Systems

Stories of Life-Changing Connections: Mental Health Support, Family Reunification, Foster Care and Adoption

At KVC Health Systems, a family of nonprofits serving children and families, we always start with connection. Healing begins when we have positive relationships in our lives — people who see us, look out for us, and want the best for us. And at KVC, we get to be part of inspiring, life-changing connection stories every day. Whether that’s a story of a foster care caseworker noticing and meeting a child’s needs, a family reconnecting after difficult times, or a community coming together for a shared cause, life is really all about positive relationships with other people.

While some of us have had a harder road to walk, many of us have inspiring stories of transformation and healing we could share with others. These are personal stories of finding inner strength, overcoming traumatic and difficult experiences, and relying on the people and connections who supported us along the way. If you have such a story, sharing it with others or with a mental health professional can help you feel freer and lighter, encourage others, and can even change the world by sparking hope.

Do you believe every child deserves to be safe and connected to a strong family? Join us to receive a few inspiring stories each month and help end childhood adversity. Subscribe here! 

Storytelling’s power is why, each year, KVC Health Systems holds a Story Contest. We celebrate the inspiring ways children and adults have healed from serious challenges like strained family relationships, mental health needs, addiction, loneliness and hopelessness. Our nationwide team and supporters are grateful to have been a part of these stories.

We received many entries to our 2022 Story Contest. Since then, we’ve been sharing the stories online. These stories came from youth and families we’ve served, foster or adoptive families who support our mission, and KVC team members who provide in-home family therapy and support, mental health treatment, foster care, adoption, inpatient children’s mental health treatment and other life-changing services. The stories highlight the resilience of the people we serve and the compassion and expertise of our team members.

The KVC Story Contest uses a team of judges to select the most emotionally compelling stories. The top winners received Amazon gift cards, several people won swag like tote bags and tumblers, and everyone who submitted a story got custom wallpaper to use on their smartphones.

Now is a great time to check out any of these stories you may have missed! Also, please enter our 2023 Story Contest taking place now through July 31. You can win KVC swag and Amazon gift cards!


Inspiring Success Story: Robin was Once a Girl in Foster Care, Now She’s a Registered Nurse [VIDEO]

Submitted by Robin Freeman


Father Overcomes Addiction to Safely Reunite with His Sons in Foster Care

Submitted by Adam Cobuluis 


Camber’s Life-Changing Work Environment: Cultivate Purpose, Belonging and Opportunity 

Submitted by Gloria Masoner and Brynn Fowler, Camber Children’s Mental Health


Case Manager organizes book drive for family that resulted in huge response 

Submitted by Andrea Rishel, KVC Kentucky


West Virginia Couple Adopts Miracle Child From Foster Care 

Submitted by Michele Sweeney 




Some stories will be shared later this year. Follow KVC on social media so you don’t miss them!

  • Two youth who were denied admission elsewhere; KVC Niles helped both successfully discharge- Emily Kelly, KVC Missouri
  • Homebuilder Specialist helps family of six living out of camper- Rachel Back, KVC Kentucky
  • Foster Care Specialist encouraged foster parent to continue and never wavered in support- Randall G., KVC Kansas
  • KVC helps one child regain hope and find a family – Mentioned in this story: Honoring Direct Care Professionals– Lydia Gentry, KVC Missouri
  • KVC team members became a resource for help and support during a critical time- Pam Satterfield, KVC Health Systems
  • Foster Care Coordinator helps boy assimilate with great empathy and sensitivity- Felicity Crossland, KVC Kansas
  • Police officer fosters teen girl and adopts her, Nicole Rathe- Tillery, KVC Kansas
  • KVC team member closes investigation on false allegations on a family- Candice Wagner, KVC Kentucky
  • Therapist reflects on successful and sad experiences and how they’ve impacted her- Hannah Dehn, Camber Children’s Mental Health

Submit Your Story & Win!

Do you have a story that shows how you made a positive difference in someone’s life through KVC, or how KVC made a positive difference in yours? By submitting your story, you’ll win an instant prize of custom wallpaper and be entered to win one of several Amazon gift cards. Entering takes as little as 5 minutes. Submit your story today at

If you believe every child should be safe and connected to a strong family and a healthy community, join us! Explore KVC careers, learn more about helping a child or teen who has experienced abuse or neglect by becoming a foster or adoptive parent, or consider donating online today.