Safer-America Launches ‘Report Child Molestation’ Pledge Campaign
*Written by guest blogger Katie Bassett who handles public relations for Safer-America, a consumer advocacy group that provides public safety awareness information.
(This article is part of a series for National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Also be sure to check out: “Child Abuse and Neglect – A Look at the National Numbers” and “Fact or Fiction – What is True About Child Abuse?”)
In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, Safer-America has launched a Report Child Molestation pledge campaign. They are shedding light on this issue by highlighting the prevalence and vast under-reporting of child sexual abuse cases across the country. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys have been sexually abused by age 18 in the United States, yet less than 10% of cases are ever reported to authorities.
Safer-America’s goal is to share this information with the masses and prompt the public to take a stand against child molestation by signing and sharing their Pledge to Report Child Sexual Abuse. Many of these children don’t have a voice of their own or the means to report what is happening to them. It’s up to adults to know the warning signs of sexual abuse, recognize the issue, and report each and every case to hold abusers accountable for their actions.
The pledge site also includes a list of helpful resources, warning signs of child molestation, and a database of CPS numbers across the country where child molestation can be reported.
Please help put a stop to child sexual abuse by learning the warning signs of abuse, taking the Pledge to Report Child Sexual Abuse and sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues.